In today's rapidly changing digital environment, cybersecurity training has become a critical component of organizational risk management. As threats evolve and become more sophisticated, companies must stay ahead of the curve to protect their assets and data. This article explores the current state of cybersecurity training and what organizations need to know.
The importance of such training has never been more apparent. According to CompTIA's 2024 State of Cybersecurity report, there has been a slight increase in the perception of cybersecurity improvement across the economy. In 2023, 27 percent of respondents felt that the overall state of cybersecurity was improving dramatically, up from 25 percent in the previous year. Similarly, the number of organizations reporting completely satisfactory cybersecurity measures grew from 24 percent to 28 percent.
However, these modest gains mask significant challenges that organizations continue to face. The number of cybercriminals is increasing, their organizational abilities are growing, and the potential damage from cyberattacks is becoming catastrophic. This escalation is compounded by the vast amounts of data being captured, which presents privacy implications for customers and operational risks for internal workflows.
One of the most pressing issues in cybersecurity training is the skills gap. The need for an expanded cybersecurity workforce is growing, with over 660,000 job openings in the United States between May 2022 and April 2023, representing a 28 percent increase from the same period in 2020. Organizations are struggling to find and retain qualified personnel.
To help resolve this gap, organizations must prioritize comprehensive, up-to-date training programs for internal employees that address current challenges while preparing for future threats. Training must involve continuous education and skill development, focusing not just on technical skills but also on cultivating a security-minded culture throughout an organization. Developing a regular skill-assessment regimen based on industry expertise and best practices is also crucial for understanding and addressing skill gaps.
By investing in their workforce's cybersecurity skills and awareness, companies can build a more resilient defense against the ever-evolving cyber risks they face.